Leicestershire Promotions Tourism Forum

The Leicestershire Tourism Forum will be held on Tuesday 21st March during English Tourism Week and will feature lots of practical advice and information to support you and your business including cost reduction tips, how to access business support, green tourism as well as an update on the Tourism Awards 2023.  Book your places now - it’s a key event not to be missed!

Venue: Donington Park Farmhouse, Melbourne Road, Castle Donington DE74 2RN

Tickets cost £45 plus vat for all Leicestershire Promotions partners who advertise in the Great Days Out guide and businesses who are located in one of the following areas: Charnwood, North West Leicestershire, Hinckley and Bosworth and Melton. The cost for all other businesses is £55 plus vat. 

Book your seat at the Leicestershire Tourism Forum online here.

Agenda for the day

9.30                   Registration and coffee

09.50                 Welcome – Martin Peters, LPL

10.00                 Can going green help reduce costs? -  Jack Shields, Donington Park Farmhouse

10.45                 Bum still squeaking one year on? - Chas Bishop, National Space Centre

11.10                 Networking and coffee

11.45                 Are you ignoring ‘the last untapped market?’ –  Paul Bayliss, Hotel Brooklyn

12.15                 Great things coming. Plans, launches and investment across Leicestershire – Janine Williams, LPL Martin Peters, LPL Lisa Brown, Charnwood BID

13.00                 Lunch and networking

14.00                 Future Economic Outlook – Chris Hobson, East Midlands Chamber of Commerce      

14.30                 Launch of the 2023 Excellence in Tourism Awards – Janine Williams, LPL

15.00                 Latest trends in social media – Nicola Moss

15.30                 Future gazing, what is round the corner?  – Martin Peters, LPL

16.00                 Close/Networking